Resultados para "floresta em pé"

Embrapa analyzes ICLF model farm to prove sustainability

Embrapa analyzes ICLF model farm to prove sustainability

Embrapa researchers analyzed sustainability indicators on a reference farm in integrated crop-livestock-forestry system (ICLF) to serve as a “model” unit on the subject. They used Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) criteria, according to the Ambitec-Agro indicator system at Fazenda Boa Vereda, in the municipality of Cachoeira Dourada, Goiás. The goal was to offer environmental management recommendations […]

Embrapa analisa fazenda modelo em ILPF para provar sustentabilidade

Embrapa analisa fazenda modelo em ILPF para provar sustentabilidade

Pesquisadores da Embrapa analisaram indicadores de sustentabilidade de um estabelecimento de referência em Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (ILPF) para servir de unidade “modelo” no tema. Eles utilizaram critérios de Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais (AIA), segundo o sistema de indicadores Ambitec-Agro na Fazenda Boa Vereda, no município de Cachoeira Dourada, Goiás. Embrapa: Gestão Ambiental A meta foi oferecer […]

Sustainable cocoa recovers degraded areas in the Amazon

Sustainable cocoa recovers degraded areas in the Amazon

A study carried out by Embrapa showed that sustainable cocoa production by family farmers has recovered degraded areas in the Amazon, at State of Pará and, simultaneously, generated income. The paper “The sustainable expansion of cocoa crop in the State of Pará, Brazil and its contribution to altered areas recovery and fire reduction)” was recently […]