JBS and Silvateam will hold an event on May 4th and 5th with for promoting debates and reflections on methane emissions in the bovine chain and measures that can help to stop global warming.
“The Methane Forum in Livestock – the path to climate neutrality” will bring together, at the Hilton hotel, in São Paulo, authorities on the subject who will participate in a comprehensive program of lectures and debates.
The Forum will be attended by names such as Frank Mitloehner, professor in the Department of Animal Science at UC Davis; Diana Rodgers, director and co-author of the film and book “Sacred Cow”; Eduardo Assad, researcher at FGV and Cepagri-Unicamp; and Peer Ederer, director and founder of GOAL Sciences – Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences.
Additionally, the event will receive Aimable Uwizeye, director of livestock policy at FAO in Italy; Henry Darren, professor at the University of Georgia; Maik Kindermann, director of innovation and technology at DSM and inventor of Bovaer; Fabiana Villa Alves, deputy director of Sustainable Production and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA); and Marcelo Manella, director of Animal Nutrition at Silvateam Brasil; among others.
Fábio Dias, director of livestock relations at JBS, will also be among the speakers and will talk about JBS’ initiatives in line with the Net Zero 2040 commitment.
“JBS is committed to neutralize net balance of greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this challenge involves methane emissions from the beef chain, for which we are already developing mitigation projects. We know we do not have all the answers. That is why we are promoting an event of this magnitude, with the aim of bringing together some of the biggest names on the planet in this crucial mission”, says Dias.
“Silvateam has invested, over the last fifteen years, in the search for cutting-edge solutions in animal nutrition, promoting the transition to natural and ecologically correct ingredients. Tannins, saponins and polyphenols are the main natural extracts chosen to increase animal production efficiency, effectively replace antibiotics and improve animal welfare, all while reducing the impact of climate-changing gas emissions” , says Michele Battaglia, president of Silvateam Brazil.
The event will include lectures and debates that will address the real impacts of livestock on the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), evaluation techniques and metrics, as well as the solutions available for mitigating emissions. Success stories of public and private sector initiatives will also be presented, as well as opportunities for financing and carbon credits.
The initiative is carried out by JBS and Silvateam, sponsored by Tortuga, a DSM brand, and supported by Sustainable Livestock Working Group (GTPS), Brazilian Association of Mineral Supplement Industries (Asbram) and Liga do Araguaia.