Producers responsible for 3.2 million tons of soybeans in Pará, or 96% of the state’s production, comply with the strict socio-environmental requirements required by the Green Protocol for Grains (Protocolo Verde de Grãos).
This number results from the agreement signed in 2014 by the Government of Pará, municipalities, associations and companies in the grain chain and the Federal Public Ministry, in order to ensure commitment among the sector to environmental preservation.
The agreement previews not selling products from illegally deforested areas nor properties without the Rural Environmental Registry (Cadastro Ambiental Rural or CAR, in Portuguese), with occurrence of slave labor or overlapping areas with conservation units and indigenous lands.
Information about the initiative is available on the new website: who are its participants, how to participate, reports, newsletters, news and data from the State of Pará.
“People need to know which companies are committed to socio-environmental responsibility and safe marketing”, comments Bernardo Pires, sustainability manager at the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove).
Also according to him, the Green Protocol for Grains of Pará is a successful example of how a public-private environmental governance. “This initiative efficiently contributes to sustainability in the grain supply chain, production processes and, consequently, in strengthening the image of Brazilian agribusiness”.