SLC Agrícola and IPAM sign to preserve the Amazon biome

SLC Agrícola and IPAM sign to preserve the Amazon biome

IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute) and SLC Agrícola signed, today (April 25th), the financial compensation contract for the maintenance of ​​1,358 hectares in the Amazon biome.

On the Perdizes Farm, in Mato Grosso stte, this is the largest single area of ​​native vegetation to adhere the Conserve Project and the first located in the Amazon biome.

Added to the new membership, CONSERV currently improves conservation of 9,768 hectares in ten rural properties in Mato Grosso. According to SLC Agrícola, the agreement confirms the company’s commitment to the conservation of native forest and the Zero Deforestation Policy.

The area included in the contract with IPAM is not part of the Legal Reserves or Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) of the farm.

Amazon biome

Private and voluntary, CONSERV recognizes the role of rural producers in maintaining native forest and proposes a new model in which conservation is allied to development.

Launched in 2020 and developed by IPAM – in partnership with the EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) and the Woodwell Climate Research Center -, at this stage, CONSERV operates in municipalities of Mato Grosso, in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.