Embrapa researchers analyzed sustainability indicators on a reference farm in integrated crop-livestock-forestry system (ICLF) to serve as a “model” unit on the subject.
They used Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) criteria, according to the Ambitec-Agro indicator system at Fazenda Boa Vereda, in the municipality of Cachoeira Dourada, Goiás.
The goal was to offer environmental management recommendations from an integrated view of the rural establishment, in addition to verifying the hypothesis that ICLF systems generates positive technological and socio-environmental impacts.
“Such assessments fulfill important objectives, such as proposing good management practices, improving production efficiency, controlling pollution and minimizing negative impacts”, they say in a recently released publication.
The work details a wide range of aspects and indicators, serving as an instrument for methodological transfer and a guide for similar exercises.
Vereda Farm
After adopting ICLF practices, Fazenda Boa Vereda became a Technological Reference Unit (URT), having its positive technological and socio-environmental results as an example for other projects.
For example, the unit has diversified production into soy, corn, millet, eucalyptus, grass and beef cattle, given its former exclusive economic dependence on extensive livestock.
In this way, the farm maintains products quality, but with reduced exposure to chemical residues and with wood processing as a post-harvest activity, and in some cases the removal of the bark promotes greater input of organic matter in the production areas. .
The researchers also point out that the meat produced by the herd in the ICLF system is aligned with the denomination of Carbon Neutral Meat, a conceptual brand for adding value to this product, launched by Embrapa.
As a result, the property was one of nine winners of the ‘Climate Positive Leaders Program 2021’, a Corteva Agriscience initiative to recognize farmers and ranchers.