Rabobank: Brazil´s agribusiness triples ESG operations in 2021

Close up of soybean plant in cultivated agricultural field, agriculture and crop protection
Close up of soybean plant in cultivated agricultural field, agriculture and crop protection

Rabobank Brasil has recorded three times more resources for “ESG operations” at Brazilian agribusiness in 2021 compared to the previous year.

The bank transfered around US$ 5 billion (R$ 25.7 billion) last year through the issuance of bonds and loans. All these resources were directed to companies that have committed to achieving social, environmental and governance goals.

According to Fabiana Alves, director of Corporate Clients at Rabobank Brasil, sector´s demanding for financial products linked to ESG is growing. “The impact of this type of commitment amongst the companies’ bankability and long-term growth are increasingly clear. ESG operations will continue to grow upcoming years”, says.

Rabobank points out climate change is one of the priorities in the sector. This concern is clear through sustainable practices, which are related to environmental, social and governance factors.

Among the operations carried out by the bank, the main goals include carbon emissions mitigation, less water consumption and recovery of degraded pastures.


Rabobank aims to accelerate sustainable practices adoption all over agri-food sector via diverse portfolio through partnerships.

In addition to generating operations with the AGRI3 fund, creating a carbon bank and providing solutions for the energy transition, Rabobank is working with Microsoft.

The goal is to create a global marketplace to connect producers and companies with the objective of neutralizing carbon emissions.

“The bank has sought global partnerships with large private sector companies and NGOs in order to raise awareness for the chain. Our local team is working on tools to adapt initiatives to Brazilian reality and enable pioneering solutions in the local market”, says Fabiana Alves.