Most Brazilians have a positive perception of agribusiness (65%). That is one of the conclusions of the survey “Perceptions on Agribusiness. What the Brazilian Thinks”, released this week, during the 14th ABMRA´s Marketing Congress.
The survey heard 4,215 people distributed across all regions of Brazil, different age groups, and social classes.
In the total sample, the majority (65%) declared to have a positive attitude towards agribusiness. At the opposite extreme, 22% indicated they would boycott the sector, while 43% would be neutral.
One of the aspects that most influences people´s perception of agriculture and livestock is the physical and social proximity to the sector.
According to Paulo Rovai, coordinator of the research, those who have worked (84%) or have relatives who work in agribusiness (80%) tend to evaluate the sector more positively.
Agribusiness is admired
Agro is also among the most admired sectors (68%), just below food / beverages (71%), technology (70%) and wholesale/retail (68%); and above health (67%) and sanitation (66%). %), for example.
For Rovai, the clippings are important because they meet the objectives of the research and can to guide a communication plan between the sector and urban society.
The environment is a concern
The survey also identified that 43% tend to be favorable, 24% are neutral and 33% tend to be unfavorable to Brazilian agribusiness. The age group from 30 to 59 years old has the most critical approach regarding the sector and points to environmental aspects as the reason.
For 38% of people in this range, agriculture is one of the main responsible for environmental impacts in the country, double the total sample (19%). And for 31% of them, the sector makes bad use of water resources, almost triple the total sample (11%).