Ministry registers 69 new biological pesticides in 2022

Ministry registers 69 new biological pesticides in 2022

Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) has registered 69 biological pesticides just in 2022. The number was reached today (the 30th) with 25 new inputs, nine of which are indicated for organic agriculture.

Biological products are important for their toxicological aspects due to low environmental impact and also because they benefit crops whose supply of agrochemicals is insufficient.

Biological pesticides

Among new biological products, the fungus Cordyceps javanica got its first registration, with use also approved for organic agriculture.

This product is an alternative for resistant populations of whitefly. This type of fungi is among the most important natural enemies of these pests as they penetrate directly into the insect, without ingestion.

Another biological input registered is the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora to control Spodoptera frugiperda and Scaptocoris castanea caterpillars. Spodoptera has recently been classified as priority pest for agriculture in Brazil.

Also for Spodoptera frugiperda, the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae controls Spodoptera caterpillar, fungus flies (Bradysia matogrossensis) and sugarcane weevil (Sphenophorus levis).

For organic agriculture, they also approved the parasitoid Tetrastichus howardi, the parasitoid wasp Telenomus podisi and the fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, increasing the range of options for farmers.

All registered products were analyzed and approved by responsible sectors for health, environment and agriculture, according to scientific criteria and international practices.