Embrapa shows low carbon livestock protocols in the US
Embrapa presents low-carbon livestock protocols in the US System tripled meat production without increasing GHG emissions
Embrapa presents low-carbon livestock protocols in the US System tripled meat production without increasing GHG emissions
JBS and Silvateam will hold an event on May 4th and 5th with for promoting debates and reflections on methane emissions in the bovine chain and measures that can help to stop global warming. “The Methane Forum in Livestock – the path to climate neutrality” will bring together, at the Hilton hotel, in São Paulo, […]
The IDH (Initiative for Sustainable Trade), Carrefour Group Brazil and CNA (Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil) announced this week a tool to support Brazilian ranchers for sustainable production, from calves to final consumers. The initiative offers technological solutions to speed sustainable models adoption over the livestock chain, ensuring consumers to be aware about […]
Green Climate Fund and IICA sign agreement to finance new projects